Mindful Recipes
Mindful Recipes
Feel better in your body with these easy recipes
سلطة الكينوا الصحية النباتية والحمص
هل كنت تعلم؟ تحتوي الكينوا والحمص على جميع الأحماض الأمينية الأساسية ، مما يجعلها كثيفة المغذيات ومصدرًا للبروتين الكافي. فهي خالية من الغلوتين بشكل طبيعي وتحتوي على الألياف والفوسفور والمنغنيز والمغنيسيوم والحديد والنحاس وبالتالي قد تساعد في السيطرة على الصداع النصفي ومرض الاضطرابات الهضمية ، مرض السكري وتصلب الشرايين.
Level: 1
Total: 30
Prep: 20
Inactive: 0
Cook: 30
Serving: 6
- 1 cup of dry Earth Goods Quinoa
- 1 tablespoon of Earth Goods extra-virgin olive oil
- 1 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 onion cut into fine pieces
- 2 cups Vegetable Stock or water
- Pinch of Ground black pepper
- 1 cup of Earth Goods chickpeas in Brine, rinsed
- 1 ½ cup fresh colored peppers cut into cubes
- 10 pcs cherry tomato cut in half
- 1 cup steamed vegetables (your choice)
- ½ cup fresh parsley – finely chopped
- 2 Tbsp. of Earth Goods pumpkin seeds - deshelled
- 2 tablespoons of Earth Goods extra virgin olive oil
- 1 garlic cloves, minced (optional)
- Juice of 2 lemons
- Salt & fresh coarse ground black pepper to taste
- In a cooking pot, heat the oil, add the onion and then the garlic. Cook for 3 minutes until golden
- Add the Quinoa and stir with the onions for few minutes then add a pinch of black pepper and the vegetable stock or water
- Cook on high heat for 5 minutes then simmer on low heat until the quinoa is well cooked, after remove the pan from the heat and let cool completely
- In a Salad bowl put the cooked cool quinoa, add to it the salad ingredients and mix them well together
- Prepare the salad dressing and add it to the salad just before serving. Mix well